Group Mindfulness Meditation - Seddon Hypnotherapy Centre
3 Margaret Street, Seddon and MSAC, Albert Park (only 5mins from Melbourne, CBD)

Group Mindfulness Meditation

If you are interested in a beginner’s class in Mindfulness Meditation then this session is tailored to meet your needs. The session will go for between 1 hour and one and a half hours. We will talk about mindfulness and how a mindfulness practice might assist you in day, to day, life.

Why it is so beneficial to live in a mindful way. We will then go into a guided meditation to begin with, just to help you to relax and then I will talk about an area of mindfulness that you might want to focus on for that session. We will then have a period of silence, where you focus your attention within the body, witnessing the experience of the meditation and whatever sensations, feelings, emotions or thoughts take place. In conclusion we check in to see how each person experienced the session. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness come and join us. You can sit in a chair or on the floor. If you want to bring a mat please do. A rug is useful as the body cools down when you relax and a pillow. There will be no music or chanting or mantras.

A payment of $22 per person will confirm your place at the session



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