Depression - Seddon Hypnotherapy Centre
3 Margaret Street, Seddon and MSAC, Albert Park (only 5mins from Melbourne, CBD)


Many depressed people tell me they wake up feeling exhausted even though they have slept for more than 8 hours- Is that something that you identify with?

Many clients suffering depression tell me they have trouble getting to sleep at night. Does this resonate with you?

I have had feedback that clients can sleep a lot and yet always feel tired. Is this something that happens for you?

Some clients are aware that they dream a lot but they are conscious that their sleep is restless and they awake feeling exhausted. Have you noticed if this happens for you?

People have told me that they find themselves in situations where, more and more they experience life in “all or nothing” terms? Have noticed any prevalence in this type of thinking?

I often have clients who experience difficulty finding enjoyment in the people and experiences in their life? This often happens without them noticing the changes in perspective until they take stock.

Clients report that they often feel angry or tearful to incidences that would once have been unimportant or even insignificant?

Depression can cause people to experience some or all of the feelings mentioned above. We all want to feel safe and secure in our day to day life.

To feel loved and cared for and to love and care for others. To feel that we are an important part of a community and that we have some control over our feelings and our lives.

We have the capacity to experience fun and companionship and intimacy with the people we love. To experience a sense of achievement in the work we do and the relationships we build.

It’s important to challenge ourselves but not to the point where we get so stressed it gets us down.

We all want a life rich in experience and variety. It’s what makes us human. What gets us out of bed each day and challenges us in a healthy way.

If you are experiencing a lack of joy or satisfaction in your life at present hypnosis can be a very useful methodology for change. If you are wanting to make some changes in your life call me on 0451 948 699 and make an appointment to begin the process.

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