Our practice is in Inner Melbourne and during the Covid 19 Lockdown many people put on weight. There were many reasons for this. Stress of the pandemic. Isolation. Boredom. But when we eventually came out of lockdown the results were there to see. Quite a few extra kilos. Not ideal. And now the phone is ringing asking for help to release some of this weight. Extra weight limits us and we want to be fit and healthy again. We all have to eat to survive so we cannot just stop eating. We can stop smoking or stop drinking but we cannot stop eating.
Being over-weight is never about the food. It’s the emotional reasons behind why we eat the food. We are using food to fill a void or to fill a hunger for someone or something. Enough food can anesthetize the body but to keep it numb we have to keep filling it up even though the body does not want or really need the food.
Eventually we want to stop but the unconscious mind has recorded all the ways we use food to keep us safe and when we want to make changes it will not co-operate and so you find yourself going back to old patterns of behaviour and emotions and feelings that get in the way of you succeeding. And this is very disempowering. You feel like a failure. You keep giving in to your old programs. You are powerless to stop. In order to be successful it is essential to change the unconscious programs that support the behaviours you have practiced. Without doing this you might reach your goal through discipline and training, but as soon as you relax, you go right back to your unconscious programs and put all the weight back on and then some. Weight Loss is complex and the programs you are running to justify your eating behaviours is what has to change. Hypnotherapy can help with changing these programs.