There are a lot of emotions involved in teeth grinding. If you consider the teeth. Their job is to chew food and when you are grinding them at night as you sleep you are often
- Fighting against issues or an environment you cannot control-
- Avoiding confrontation with a significant other or a work colleague
- Feeling the pressure of work or relationship or issue
- Feeling uncomfortable as if things are working against you
- Inability to compromise or be flexible- stubborn and rigid response
- Suffocated in your surrounding and unable to establish clear boundaries
- Conflict in your life with someone or some task or goal
- If any of these apply to you and your jaw is constantly aching it’s possible that you are grinding your teeth at night. Your partner can probably tell you as they are probably very aware of your behaviour.
Recently I had a client who was grinding her teeth. She held a senior position and there was a task she had to do in the future which she did not want to do. She felt self-conscious and incompetent when doing this task. She expected to be criticised for her efforts and so she criticised herself even as she did the task. Thereby making it difficult to achieve a successful outcome, and hating the experience even as she was doing it. She was grinding her teeth as she went over all the reasons why she did not want to do this. It turned out to have very little to do with the task itself but rather to a memory of an event that happened when she was about 9 years old. When we cleared that up she was able to see that it was safe for her to speak and deliver information to stake holders present at the meeting and remain comfortable as she did that. She could answer questions and feel confident of managing all the stakeholders at the meeting.